Public Comment
About public comments
The Trustees of Illinois State University welcome constructive communications from members of the University community and the citizens of Illinois. Faculty and staff are encouraged to provide information relative to the academic mission of the University.
Making a Comment
The Board of Trustees will allow up to thirty (30) minutes in total for public comments and questions during a public meeting. An individual speaker will be permitted five (5) minutes for his or her presentation.
When a large number of persons wish to speak on a single item, it is recommended they choose one or more persons to speak for them. The Board of Trustees will accept copies of the speakers’ presentations, questions and other relevant written materials. When appropriate, the Board of Trustees will provide a response to a speaker’s questions within a reasonable amount of time.
Sign In
An individual who wishes to make a presentation during a public meeting is encouraged to sign the sign-in sheet at the entrance to the room in which the public meeting is held.
In the event the number of requests to address the Board of Trustees at a public meeting exceeds the time available for public comments, the requests will be approved based upon the order of requests listed on the sign-in sheet.